poem and photograph: katalin pusztaszeri

poem and photograph: katalin pusztaszeri

kata white.JPG


You would expect something clean and white but I WANT to shit the BLACK and the red...OUT!

Forming balls from that poop then peg AT HUMANITY!

Or smearing that black reddish DIRT ON A BLANK T-SHIRT then sell the tie-dye fabric...that would be really original and artsy!

I don't have to play decent-fair now. I don't have to force myself to be that cool intellectual anymore!

I've been stuck at this LOCKDOWN FOREVER!

Girl, that's a shame how we've got into this...how I've got into this...Staying in the PET-CRATE almost 24/7...the anger overflows...the anger overflows...throughout my MUDFLAT VEINS...leaving its shallow courses, remaining harsh stains on its terrain.

My eyes are bloody blisters from uncontrollable rage and exhaustion…fluffed up like a GUM-BALLOON, bursting out the white sheet...Could it be white? 


Bitch, writing is not a choice...it's an option. But would it change anything?

I've never scratched a word from ego, believe me... Pure need had made my chest beating...not plain narcissism. I am fucking tired of being cringed...howling and WHIMPERING ALL DAY!

I'd had the doubt I could handle this... I've been degraded under animal level now.

I have the strength to quarrel but I don't have the stamina to change life.

A Chihuahua once fucked King Kong, the mixed breed was reborn in me!

Can you see the beast's bulging forehead and the sagging muzzle...twitching from MOTIONLESS WRATH and PAIN?

Do you hear that tiny snuffling growl of misery...escaping from that enormous furry grey chest?

Let the giant smash and destroy all goods she grasps ...byproducts of her hatred present!

Let the evil rave and storm out her miniature conscience and innate ferocity of her pedigree!

Let the monster cast off her MILLENNIAL CHAINS…throw off the shackles from her pared furless limbs!

Let this creature straighten from her crooked-distorted posture and leave her artificial cage (...of CIVILIZATION)!

Let the freak loose her acquired devilishly bad-ponderous temper and walk away on her knuckles FAR…BACK TO HER NATURE!

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