Poem: erin harer

Poem: erin harer

six weeks

I could've held you
You could've been born cream pink
Instead you were blood


about the writer: erin harer

erin harer.png

Erin is a mother of one amazing child and several hilarious fur babies. In her spare time she writes poetry, prose, and young adult fiction. Her favorite thing about writing is its power to transform the weight inside her chest into something beautiful. She loves grounding in nature, coffee shops, crystals, and watching Gilmore Girls reruns.

Follow her work at http://www.erinharer.com 

the writer’s commentary on the poem:

A little brown teddy bear blanket has lived in my daughter's bedroom for over twelve years. It's furry and soft and worn from love. It was my daughter's first possession and her only hand me down. A few months before I was overcome with the joy of her conception, I lost a sweet soul I was not lucky enough to meet. At such a young age, only six weeks, they came to prepare my body and my heart for motherhood, even to the point of having a gift in hand to for my daughter when she arrived. I found the bear blanket while cleaning my daughter's room and told this story out loud for the first time, before checking my email to find my poem had been selected for publication. Those we lose are always with us, no matter how short our time together.  

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