Poem: kimberlie gray

Poem: kimberlie gray

Feeding Time

Oh the minds of our ancestors,
Rich with promise,
Daydreams fattened with experience and trial.
Wishes, futures and expectations,
Fueled by connections,
Hydrated with hope
Fed with ambition.

Alas, the minds of our daughters
Intertwined with technological emotions.
Some still understanding the rawness of good earnest insight.
Others mislead by the masses.

Our visions are starving.
They long for emotion,
They expect to be encouraged by pain,
Crafted through pleasure,
They are tired of being fed mediocre standards
Feed them your sorrows,
Feed them your love
Feed them realness
Feed them you.


about the writer: kimberlie gray


What happens when years of odd thinking, day-dreams and a decade of watching 80's sitcoms pour out on paper? Content written by Kimberlie Gray surfaces and the world is a more interesting place. Kimberlie took her natural writing ability to a new level and attended Arizona State University where she pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media, and where she fell in love with screen plays. She is also the creator of E=MC Paired a podcast that helps procrastinators feel normal and get ish done!

E=MC Paired Podcast : https://anchor.fm/kimberlie-gray

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thequirkycontentcontessa/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KimberlieNGray

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