poem: louise zimmerman

poem: louise zimmerman

the space between us

(for Ann)

The space between us seems wide

we are all so different

from beliefs and backgrounds

the color of our skin

the food we eat

or the way we choose to behave

clothes we wear

our experience

seems so different


Look up close

we are all traveling by chance 

in this fast blink of spacetime

happening to share in this moment, 

on this planet

made up of atoms

which in and of themselves are 

defined by space


Infinitely small - the electrons that spin around the nucleus 

are defined by space

as wide as a tiny kitten sitting

in the middle of a huge sports stadium 

looking out at the stands where electrons spin.


These atoms 

make up every single physical item 

we cherish here in our moment in the cosmos

they make up our own bodies

and yet if we push on them -

we can’t see -

the space

just as two fans in the stands 

can’t occupy the same seat

electrons are repelled and cannot be at the same place at the same time

giving us our physicality 

whose essence is defined by space.

Then I run into you – we disagree,

or feel some negativity

I can’t help but look over at your shoulder

and wonder – if I poked you in the middle of this dissent -

would you crumble?

Your solidness would stand up to my touch

so I see you – your arm made of molecules

made of space,

the space to hold our own personal divide

while we sit and hold that thought together


you watch me feel a tear,

made up of the molecules defined hydrogen and oxygen 

and human salts

a tear flows down the fabric of my skin

I know that the space between them is slim

and the space between us

though at times feels vast

is in fact insignificant.


about the author: louise zimmerman

mom, engineer, poet, musician

she is also exploring the theme of divorce in the time of COVID and offering support here.

poem: alana hayes

poem: alana hayes