journal entry: nahal hale

journal entry: nahal hale

My body, my baby

I’ve been working a lot lately and neglecting to take care of my body. Thank God for parental good genes that it still looks ok. But, my goal is this :
This morning in the yoga class, at the end where we were all laying on our backs in savasna, I thought , I need to treat and take care of my body as if it’s a little child - with the same loving care that I would give to a little child. How can I expect this magical machine called my body, to keep functioning and running and performing and looking good without me giving it as much care and love and attention as it needs?
So, right then and there , this morning I decided : that’s it! The time is now, from this moment forward , I love my body enough to give it what it deserves.
Yoga, walking, weights , aerobics plus the right diet - watch out! Here comes Nahal 2021.


about the writer: nahal hale

Nahal lives in New York and has been helping keep the team at write, bitch, write! organized since they met many moons ago. <3

painting and poem: mary anne zammit

painting and poem: mary anne zammit