poem: amy petzoldt

poem: amy petzoldt

A Trio of Haiku

Fingers freezing cold
Craving the warmth of a glove
Clutch my cigarette

My heart on the floor
I kick it over to you
And you kick it back

My body lifts me
Up and it throws me down
I lift and I throw



about the writer: amy petzoldt

Amy is a social scientist currently working towards her PhD in Educational Studies. She is interested in identities, resistance, and manifestations of joy; themes she also explores in her stories. Geeking out at the library, cycling the back streets of London, drinking really cold white wine and cooking really hot curry rank in her top ways to distract herself from the patriarchal heteronormative neoliberal white supremacy.

Twitter: @amypetzoldt

Insta: @amy_petz

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prose poem: Leigh QM

jewelry: donna vogel

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