poem: amy burtrum

poem: amy burtrum


To some saying no is easy-to some saying no is hard

To some they say no so quickly its as if they never gave the request any thought at all

Some say yes so easily with out giving thought to their no at all

The word is so small

Yet the feelings that come with it are so tall

Words haver such meaning-pressure-so much more than the actual word

Does no mean you are rejecting something that was meant to be?

Does no mean saving yourself from something not meant to be ?

Does no show respect-and to whom ?

Are you granting a better you from saying no

Or preventing a better you from saying no

Some say no so that they don’t hurt or offend -only serving others

Others’ nos prevent them from helping others-only serving themselves

We have to take time with our no’s

Evaluate the nos

When it’s a gut reaction the blurting out nos are hard to stop

But the rest of the no’s, please take time with those no’s

Those nos can shape the future

about the writer: amy burtrum


mother, dog lover, novice gardener, new writer

Sampling many new experiences and enjoying the journey

photos: becca bilbo-dorris

photos: becca bilbo-dorris

jewelry: donna vogel

jewelry: donna vogel